First meeting of the Serbian Society for Extracellular Vesicles

The first meeting of the Serbian Society for Extracellular Vesicles was held on October 18, 2022.
Members of the Society presented their research of extracellular vesicles in 15 interesting lectures.
This first meeting of SrbEV was an initial review of EV research in Serbia and aimed at connecting members in order to achieve new collaborations and through them raise of the level of EV research. The book of abstracts was not created for this meeting.
We would like to thank our colleagues from the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, IBISS for the opportunity to hold SrbEVs2022 in their premises, as well as the company KEFO d.o.o. for the support of the organization of this meeting.

Program of SrbEVs2022: