2nd MOVE Symposium

2nd MOVE Symposium

2nd MOVE Symposium

Dear colleagues,

MOVE is an active and relaxed consortium of European National EV Societies (NEVS) who got together to foster MObility for Vesicles research in Europe (MOVE). Our overarching aim is to encourage communication between the societies at all levels of membership, with the purpose of promoting EV research and understanding across Europe. It is intended that MOVE activities will foster collaboration between members in different European nations and across different biological / biomedical disciplines, taking advantage of geographical proximity and expertise.

After last year’s enormous success of the 1st MOVE symposium in Malaga, Spain, we are excited to announce the:

2nd MOVE symposium
08 – 11th October 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.

This time ASEV (Austria), BSEV (Baltic), EVIta (Italy), FSEV (France), GEIVEX (Spain), GSEV (Germany), UKEV (UK) along with SrbEVs (Serbia) are taking the lead.

From the experience of 1st MOVE symposium, we expect numerous participants from many EVs research groups, both from societies participating in MOVE and beyond.

We are preparing the lineup of well renowned international speakers whose presence and expertize will ensure excellence of the meeting, through both lectures and discussion, as well as high attendance.

The Second MOVE symposium will cover most prominent topics across Europe EVs-research area with highlights of novel concepts, methodologies and clinical applications of EVs.

We strongly believe that 2nd MOVE Symposium will strengthen partnerships between professionals dedicated to EVs research, from both basic research, clinical fields and industry, allow new generation of EV-researchers to exchange ideas and form bonds as well as to provide them with the opportunity to meet the renowned speakers.

We look forward to your active and enthusiastic participation in the meeting and to enjoy vibrant city of Belgrade.

2nd MOVE Symposium – Industry partners and supporters

– there is no craft without the tools –

We are proud to present our Industry partners:

Great team to support the biggest EVs-related meeting in Europe this year!

2nd MOVE Symposium – Committees

International Organizing Committee:

  • Maja Kosanović (President of Serbian Society for Extracellular vesicles, SrbEVs)
  • Beate Riner (Vice president of Austrian Society for Extracellular vesicles, ASEV)
  • Alireza Fazeli (President of Baltic Society for Extracellular vesicles, BSEV)
  • Annalisa Radeghieri (Deputy president of Italian Society for Extracellular vesicles, EVita)
  • Christian Neri (President of French Society for Extracellular vesicles, FSEV)
  • Pilar Martin-Duque (Board member of Spanish Society for Extracellular vesicles, GEIVEX)
  • Bernd Giebel (Representative and former president of German Society for Extracellular vesicles, GSEV)
  • Charlotte Lawson (President of UK Society for Extracellular vesicles, UKEV)

Scientific Committee:

  • Antonio Marcilla, Dep. for Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Alicia Llorente, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
  • Bernd Giebel, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
  • Berta Puig, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
  • Bojana Milutinović, Department of Neurosurgery MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
  • Dhanu Gupta, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, Unigted Kingdom
  • Frederik Verweij, Div. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Biophysics, Department of Biology Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Gema Chiva-Blanch, Health Sciences Studies, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Barcelona, Spain
  • Getnet Midekessa, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Jason Webber,  Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea, UK and Tissue Microenvironment Group, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
  • Jessica Gobbo, Centre Georges-François Leclerc, Dijon, France
  • Lydia Alvarez-Erviti, Molecular Neurodegeneration Group, Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja (CIBIR), La Rioja, Spain
  • Michele Guescini, Biochemistry Department of Biomolecular Sciences, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
  • Michiel Pegtel, Amsterdam UMC/Cancer Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Milica Popović, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Rossella Crescitelli, Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Tanja Jasmin Kutzner, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
  • Tobias Tertel, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
  • Wolf Holnthoner, Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Traumatology, Vienna, Austria

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Milica Popović (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade)
  • Maja Kosanović (Institute INEP, University of Belgrade)
  • Zorana Dobrijević (Institute INEP, University of Belgrade)
  • Ivan Jovanović (Institute Vinča, University of Belgrade)
  • Milica Jovanović Krivokuća (Institute INEP, University of Belgrade)
  • Lidija Filipović (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade)
  • Mirjana Nacka-Aleksić (Institute INEP, University of Belgrade)
  • Jelena Samardžić (Institute IMGGE, University of Belgrade)
  • Vesna Spasovski (Institute IMGGE, University of Belgrade)
  • Marija Tursunović (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade)
  • Jovana Terzić (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade)

2nd MOVE Symposium – Keynote speakers

2nd MOVE Symposium – Program

Preliminary Program

2nd MOVE Symposium – Abstracts submission

Abstract submission is closed – Late breaking abstracts submission is expected

Abstract submission and registration website: https://indico.bio.bg.ac.rs/event/6/

Abstract Acceptance Letters: sent out on July 30th.

Please NOTE:

— Abstracts Instructions and Abstract Template are at Registration/Abstract submission website.

— In order to submitt an Abstract you have to make a profile on Registration and Abstract submission website.

2nd MOVE Symposium – Registration

Registration is now OPEN!!

Types and options of registration

Academic participants

  • NSEVs – National Societies for Extracellular Vesicles
  • L/M IC-WB – Low or Medium Income Country according to World Bank

Industry participants, please inquire at srbevs.office@gmail.com.

Online registration: April 22July 31, 2024.

Please NOTE:

If you you will participate with an Abstract you and your co-authors, who will participate, should register at that time – but the payment period and issuing of the Invoices will be only after Abstract Acceptance.

Registration and Abstract submission website: https://indico.bio.bg.ac.rs/event/6/

Please NOTE:

— In order to register you have to make a profile on Registration and abstract submission website.

— Payment of registration fee will be August 07 – September 15, 2024. Invoices will be send in that period (to all who labeled they need the invoice AND filled in Institution name, address and VAT in the Registration form).


For the inquiry about whether or not you need a visa for entering the Republic of Serbia, please see the website of the Ministry of Foreign affairs of the Republic of Serbia at https://www.mfa.gov.rs/en/citizens/travel-abroad/visas-and-states-travel-advisory.

Important notice: Neither SrbEVs nor MOVE can issue Invitation letters for obtaining the visa – in the Republic of Serbia signing the Invitation letter means taking on financial responsibility, which neither SrbEVs nor MOVE can take.

2nd MOVE Symposium – Venue

Madlenijanum Theatre

Glavna street 32

11080 Zemun municipality

City of Belgrade


2nd MOVE Symposium – Abstract book

Looking forward to your participation! Welcome to the 2nd MOVE Symposium!