Joint meeting of Societies for the Extracellular Vesicles of Austria (ASEV), Hungary (HSEV), Slovenia(SiN-EV) and Serbia(SrbEVs)

The first joint meeting of the societies for extracellular vesicles of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia was held on September 4-5, 2023 at the Medical University of Graz.
SrbEVs members presented their research results on extracellular vesicles in 10 presentations.
This first joint meeting, in the organization of which SrbEV participates, aims to expand regional cooperation, connect with colleagues from other countries in order to increase the presence of our researchers in the international research space and raise the level of EV research in Serbia through insight into the latest trends in the EV field and the creation of new contacts.
Small New World 2.0 Book of abstracts:
Small New World 2.0 Program:
Workshop in scope of this meeting:

We thank the sponsors for supporting the organization of this meeting: